Note: I'm still figuring out this resizing thing...some images will be enormous when you click on them o.O

Week 4: LaVerne Krause Gallery. James Herman, Evan Kornfeld, and me

This locker piece was so weird. titled Capsized...but i think i just needed to get it out of my system. It wasn't a particularly good piece, but I think it was an important one for me -- it was a template/mixing pallet for a lot of ideas I'd like to explore more. It's hundreds of screenprinted copies of a diary entry I made as a kid; all i ever wrote about were boys. in this particular passage i was infatuated with a boy named zach in my's about obsession, youthful infatuation, ideals of love, bookish people fantasizing about love, whatever. I love the sort of cinematic, spectacle, stagelike presence of the piece. When I was building the work, a friend popped in and said, "woow, this is, like, totally Goddard-ian."...i think this is due partially to the color schemes (very 60s-film, thanks Fellini), but also because of the clear over-shooting ambitions of the creator behind the work. does that make sense? yea, sorry i didn't think so. well, anyways i think my intricate folding method (turkish map fold) is a bit "displaced," if you will, (teehee), it's a little distracting. the lockers are perhaps heavy-handed (though admittedly humorous, the visiting artist, Jovencio de la Paz, commented).

This piece of Jamie's was really fun to photograph...feet upon feet of twisted mylar (printed with his top 100 velvet underground songs) with 100 mylar balloons perched atop. the balloons did great things for the space - they reflected the space in a wonderful way. in them you could see the other pieces in the gallery, and it brightened up the show. the piece was also placed across from the entrance, so they caught people's eye as they walked by. Click here for more of James's stuff:
There's something kind of magical about the takedown too, which I did today (Friday, after the show was up for 5 days)...the gallery is such a transitory space. You take over for one week, working ridiculous hours into a piece, and then 5 days later, it's completely gone. As friend Jenny said, the student galleries are like the subconscious of the art department. If only these walls could talk.